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  Wolves of the Gods by Bjorn Lynne
Artist:Bjorn Lynne
Album:Wolves of the Gods
Genre:Symphonic Rock
Album Length:1:10:39
n/aEpilogue - Safar's Song *3:16
n/aDemon Moon *6:39
n/aShapechanger *7:03
n/aLeiria (Lips or Sword?) *5:36
n/aThe Ghost Warrior of Caluz *5:25
n/aThe Spirit Rider *8:19
n/aPalimak's Revenge *8:12
n/aKyrania *5:10
n/aQueen Hantilia *7:21
n/aThe Beckoning Sea *10:04
n/aPrologue - To Dream of Wolves *3:31
[Album Cover]
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