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  The Price of Milk by Liadov
Album:The Price of Milk
Album Length:1:07:37
1The Enchanted Lake [Dawn in the valley] *6:45
2N. Tcherepnin - The Distant Princess (excerpt) [The pink dress] *2:50
3Rimsky-Korsakov - King Dodon in his Palace [Lucinda's quilt] *1:21
4Rimsky-Korsakov - The Wedding Procession [Lucinda's quilt] *1:24
5Kikimora (excerpt) [Lucinda picks flowers] *3:32
6Rimsky-Korsakov - Tsarina in a Barrel on the Sea [A bowl of potatoes] *1:46
7Rimsky-Korsakov - Scheherezade [Nigel sees the light] *10:57
8The Enchanted Lake (excerpt) [Lucinda sees the wedding] *2:29
9Rachmaninov - Isle of the Dead (excerpt) [The magic window] *4:47
10N. Tcherepnin - The Enchanted Kingdom [Tiny shoes in the lake] *13:45
11Lidadov - Kikmora [The cows come home] *8:01
12N. Tcherepnin - The Distant Princess [All is forgiven] *9:54
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