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  Smells Like Children by Marilyn Manson
Artist:Marilyn Manson
Album:Smells Like Children
Album Length:54:45
1The hands of small children *1:34
2Diary of a dope fiend *5:55
3S----y chicken gang bang *1:18
4Kiddie Grinder (Remix) *4:23
5Sympathy for the parent *1:00
6Sweet Dream (Are made of this) *4:52
7Everlasting C---sucker (Remix) *5:13
8F--- Frankie *1:47
9I put spell on you *3:36
10May cause discoloration of the urine or feces *3:58
11Scabs, guns and peanut butter *1:00
12Dance of the dope hats (Remix) *4:39
13White trash (Remix) *2:47
14Dancing with One-Legged... *:45
15Rock'nRoll nigger *3:31
16Bonus track *8:20
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