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 Genre: Other
Years:1980 - 2005
Play Time:5:16:24
Basia on Broadway Basia 76:20 1995
Hymm of Asia L. Ron Hubbard 58:43 2000
London Warsaw New York Basia 42:41 1990
Organisation (Bonus Tracks) Orchestral Manoeuvres in the D 3:33 1980
Savvy Show Stoppers 7:54 0000
Skookum Chief Powered... Teenage Zit Rock Angst [CDR] Jaap Blonk 74:00 1995
The EPs Lacuna Coil 48:35 2005
-- Incomplete Albums --
Basia 213:28 1987-1995
bonus track 3:05 1995
Cub 2:16 1995
Delgados 2:12 1995
Eric's Trip 3:02 1995
Evaporators 2:04 1995
Fallouts 1:18 1995
Goblins 1:30 1995
Harvey Sid Fisher 2:35 1995
Jaap Blonk 0:47 1995
L. Ron Hubbard 58:43 2000
Lacuna Coil 451:58 1997-2012
Leather Uppers 1:25 1995
Nardwuar vs Beck 0:30 1995
New Bomb Turks 1:18 1995
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the D 3:33 1980
Paska 0:34 1995
Platon Et Les Caves 1:46 1995
Sit n Spin 2:33 1995
Subsonics 1:13 1995
Teengenerate w 4:44 1995
The Drags 1:41 1995
the Goblins 29:23 1995
The Ne'er Do Wells 1:06 1995
The Smugglers 1:28 1995
The Tonics 2:43 1995
Timothy Leary vs Nardwuar 0:43 1995
Wonderful World of Joey 3:52 1995
Music database contains 32686 songs, 4447 artists, 2709 albums, and 216 genres. [login]